Friday, November 30, 2007

Adrian Hall’s Adaptations of In the Belly of the Beast

Recently, I was looking through various references on the internet and came across an interesting statement regarding a work that I hold the rights to. The work is titled "In the Belly of the Beast" and I hold all rights to the work for theater, film and television.

I came across this article:

Written by Mary Ellen Wright for Nebula. It's interesting to me that I am named in the article, though the facts surrounding the writing are not entirely correct.

I thought it would be wise to include for the readers consideration, the letter below, and allow them to draw conclusions based on a fair and equitable reporting of facts. As opposed to an ongoing mythos of collusive suppositions.

Mr. Adrian Hall
[address withheld]

Dear Mr. Hall:
This Firm represents Seymour Morgenstern in intellectual property matters. As you are well aware, Mr. Morgenstern is the exclusive owner of, among other things, the right to produce any stage or other live dramatic work based on the pre-existing literary work In The Belly of the Beast or any stage or other live dramatic work based on the life of Jack Henry Abbott. Mr. Morgenstern’s ownership of these rights, and all associated copyright interests related thereto, is well established and well known to you, and I will not burden this communication with a lengthy recitation of the origin or extent of Mr. Morgenstern’s rights.
It has recently come to Mr. Morgenstern’s attention that you are asserting some ownership claim to a dramatic work based on the literary work In The Belly of the Beast. Specifically, you are purporting to license or grant permission to theatrical companies so that they may perform live dramatic works based on or derived from In the Belly of the Beast without obtaining permission from Mr. Morgenstern or compensating him in any way. Because Mr. Morgenstern is the exclusive owner of such rights and is the only person who can legitimately grant permission for the creation of a dramatic work derived from In the Belly of the Beast, your actions have infringed Mr. Morgenstern’s rights, including his copyright interests, and have caused him to suffer damages. Accordingly, you must immediately (i) cease exploiting the stage rights to In The Belly of the Beast and all unauthorized derivative works thereof, (ii) provide Mr. Morgenstern with written assurance that all such unauthorized uses have ceased, (iii) provide Mr. Morgenstern with an accounting of all sums received or earned in connection with the exploitation of the stage rights to In The Belly of the Beast and all unauthorized derivative works thereof, and (iv) compensate Mr. Morgenstern in an amount to be discussed after you have promptly complied with the foregoing.
Your failure to promptly take the steps outlined above within ten (10) days from your receipt of this letter will force Mr. Morgenstern to pursue all available legal remedies in equity and at law, including, without limitation, seeking statutory damages and attorneys’ fees routinely awarded in the federal courts. This letter is not an exhaustive recitation of Mr. Morgenstern’s claims in this matter, and is accordingly written without prejudice to Mr. Morgenstern’s rights and remedies in the foregoing, all of which are hereby expressly reserved.